Friday, 15 November 2019

Mission 2 Reflection

Come the end of mission 2, we have finished presenting and showcase all that we have learned. I felt like the presentation went quite well. Like I had guessed at the start, the mission we picked was more unique with not a lot of people picking it. We were also the only ones in our group presenting with StorymapJS and presenting in that way. I feel the presentation itself went quite well and we were able to answer the questions received to the best of our abilities. We received a great response and definitely some interest when they heard about dissecting the phone as its something you don't see every day.

While the information we gathered was quite good I felt like there was opportunity to delve even further. It was tough finding information in general as companies don't usually give out a lot of information in regards to where they source their materials or the like of the exact mine and location the materials come from. It would have been a pretty interesting thing to know the details to such an extent but I feel it is not something that can be done easily in a two/three week period just by searching online.

Ways that I think we could find these details out if we ever need to again in the future and we have more time would be to send emails back and forth with the companies involved, research and read into all the information available online. Even possibly going all the way to lets say China where Oneplus and BBK Electronics, who owns Oneplus have their headquarters. I feel and would think that being there in person would allow you to access more information.

Another piece of information that is of a similar case would be the life of a worker, working in a factory for Oneplus. While we did search for a first person view on how it would be for a person that works for Oneplus, we were unable to find those details. In our presentation we talked about the life of workers on a more general tone and it was also that of a place where they weren't treated as nice as it should be. I hope it is not the case everywhere and especially for Oneplus as I am a big fan of their products and currently use the Oneplus 6T.

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